For the Love of Oedipus

The magical world of Renaldi's Greek project of joy.

Τοποθεσία: Alsip, IL, Burkina Faso

Well, I am 21 years old. And... I... go to college...

Τετάρτη, Οκτωβρίου 13, 2004

Well, work started today on some of the reports and information gathering. The mask is having a few drying problems (basically it is taking a long time), but we hope that that will soon be over. While waiting for the mask to dry, Marshall got the idea to dress up like a member of the Taliban. He took the hair we are going to be using for our mask and used it as a beard, then got a robe, a turban and a rifle, and struck a pose for the cameras. Just ask Stacey for the pictures. More good news is that the website: it is looking great! We only hope that it is easy for Mrs. Renaldi to use...