Today is Marshall's birthday, and thus, we began working in earnest. Stacey and Marshall worked dilligently on answering many of the questions in the worksheets, while V and John set up the online journal. Everyone was in excellent spirits when we began today, and it is hoped that this mood will be prevailant in our group meetings to come.
For the Love of Oedipus
The magical world of Renaldi's Greek project of joy.
- Όνομα: The Duke of Orange
- Τοποθεσία: Alsip, IL, Burkina Faso
Well, I am 21 years old. And... I... go to college...
All your base are belong to us.
Dette suger, jeg sovner, vår lærer er fet, for kjærligheten av Oedipus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JCM regel!!!!
Good work guys!
Mrs. Renaldi
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