For the Love of Oedipus

The magical world of Renaldi's Greek project of joy.

Τοποθεσία: Alsip, IL, Burkina Faso

Well, I am 21 years old. And... I... go to college...

Παρασκευή, Οκτωβρίου 08, 2004

The next step in our project will be to create a mask. We hope that this task is less daunting than one would imagine. Much care and consideration went into the production of authentic greek masks, and it is hoped that ours will reflect this consideration. Marshall is leaving for Massachusetts this weekend, so we will be one man short for a while. We all hope that we get more time in the lab on Tuesday so we can continue our research. Our worksheets are almost done, and Marshall is working on the website code and design, so, our mask and this journal are the new primary goals for our group.